About Us Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

A very warm welcome to the U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E) at the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST). USPCAS-E is destined to be at the forefront in innovative research, technology development, and nurturing the human resources in the field of energy. Center is well equipped to meet the future challenges of Energy, Environment and the Economy (3E) nexus for the sustainable development of Pakistan

Currently, the center is offering three MS and three Ph.D. programs in Energy Systems Engineering, Thermal Energy Engineering and Electrical Power Engineering to be followed by the undergraduate program that is aimed to start in near future.

The dedicated and diversified faculty members of the center provide unique education and research experience to our students. I invite you to go through this website to know more about the exciting degree programs the center offers. Apart from professional knowledge and technical know-how, we place particular importance on soft skills in our student’s education. They are trained to be technically competent, interdisciplinary, innovative, and entrepreneurial. They are taught to be effective communicators, life-long learners, problem solvers, and leaders with a global vision. Throughout the academic year, we organize outreach events, technical & career talks, technical training workshops & internships, industrial tours, summer schools, and exchange programs with well recognized international universities. Through these efforts to forge connectivity with industry and the global community, we encourage students to gain international perspectives through direct first-hand experience, as well as achieve a deeper understanding of up-to-date developments in the industry and real-life problems.

The highest priority of the center is to prepare the next generation of scientists to solve energy and environmental challenges within the country & globally. The goal is to nurture a new generation of energy professionals that take an interdisciplinary and holistic view of climate change mitigation and emissions reduction in finding innovative solutions to produce clean energy and sustainable development.

If you are an alumnus, a prospective donor, or a member of the business community seeking to make a difference, we encourage you to contact the center to explore how you can help us reach our destination for the brighter, cleaner and sustainable future of Pakistan.